The Denver HO Model Railroad Club

The Denver HO Model Railroad Club, Inc., is one of the oldest and largest model railroad clubs in the Rocky Mountains. The Club is housed in the lower level of the Colorado Railroad Museum To view a map of our location and obtain directions click MapQuest® link. The layout features HO, HOn3 and traction, which replicates the various types of Colorado mountain railroading. 

The Club began in 1947 by meeting in private homes of members. About 1948, the Club obtained space in an unused coal room in the basement of the Izet Building. In 1950 the Club was forced to move due to remodeling of the building. We relocated to the basement of the Mayan Theater, where we remained for 13 years. But in 1963 we again had to find a new home. For three years the Club met in members' basements until we found our current home at the Colorado Railroad Museum.

We have been in the Colorado Railroad Museum's lower level since February 1968. From February to June of 1968, we remodeled the room and built the replica of the side of passenger car to wall off the railroad layout while allowing visitors unlimited viewing opportunities. Our first benchwork was started in June of 1968. Approximately 4,000 work-hours per year are represented here.

Click Here for a larger image of the track plan.

Even though the track plan shown above is not completely accurate, it still provides a good representation of the Club's general arrangement. Plans are being discussed to modify and improve various sections.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Denver HO Model Railroad Club raided by police as a gambling den! Click here for the real story!